Regional DramaFest
Regional DramaFest
Mississippi Theatre Association facilitates two Regional Drama Festivals each year. Each of these festivals is traditionally held in early December. The Northern Regional Festival, North DramaFest, is held at Mississippi State University. The Southern Regional Festival, South DramaFest, is held at Biloxi High School with the assistance of staff at William Carey University.
The top-placing performances of each regional festival advance to the MTA statewide theatre festival, held on Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. weekend each year. Visit the links below for helpful information in preparing for DramaFest.
MTA Secondary Festival Guidelines 2024-2025
The MTA Secondary Festival Guidelines are guidelines for the one-act festivals at both regional Drama Festivals and the statewide theatre festival. Participants are encouraged to read these guidelines in preparation for the regional AND state festivals.
DramaFest Statement of Circumstance 2024-2025
MTA and DramaFest Scoresheet 2024-2025
Refer to the adjudicator score sheet while preparing for the one-act festival.
DramaFest Letter of Intent 2024-2025
School theatre programs wishing to participate in the regional Drama Festivals must complete a DramaFest Letter of Intent first. The number of slots available for participants at each regional festival is limited and participation is allowed on a first come first serve basis. Schools are encouraged to submit their letters of Intent as early as possible. Submissions of Letters of Intent open on September 13, 2024.
DramaFest Registration 2024-2025
Thank you for registering for MTA’s 2024-2025 secondary theatre festival cycle! The DramaFest 2024 host schools have been working with the MTA Board of Directors and the staff to provide the best theatrical experience possible. Both festivals will accommodate up to 16 performing schools.
A complete list of secondary DramaFest guidelines and expectations can be found on pages 32-40 of the MTA Handbook.
DramaFest 2024 will be held on December 6-7, 2024.
North Regional Festival site: McComas Hall, Mississippi State University
South Regional Festival site: Biloxi High School with the assistance of staff at William Carey University
What to Expect at DramaFest
A quirky video explaining what students and teachers can expect at the Drama Festival. (Please note in the guidelines the new Go Line rule that was instated in 2015)
Banned Productions 2021-2024
Productions performed at regional festivals within the last 4 years. Please note that schools are not allowed to compete with productions that advance to the state festival for 4 years. Schools are also not allowed to compete with the performance of any production in their region for 4 years.
Using Copyrighted Music in Theatre Productions
This post urges theatre organizations to use music wisely, making sure they have the legal right to use it in their productions. Please note that it is the individual school/theatre’s responsibility to secure the appropriate licensing for any productions that they produce.