Mississippi Theatre Listing Database

MTA strives to keep a complete list of all theatres in the state of Mississippi. If you would like your theatre to be included, fill out this Google Form.

MS Theatre Listing 2023

wdt_ID Organization Name Organization Type Contact Name Contact Email Street Address City Zipcode Phone MTA Member Website Social Media: Facebook Social Media: Instagram
1 Belhaven Theatre College & University Theatre Elissa Sartwell theatre@belhaven.edu 835 Riverside Drive Jackson 39.206 601-974-6478 Yes www.belhaven.edu/theatre @belhaventheatre @belhavenutheatre
2 Blue Mountain College College & University Theatre Christi Mitchell cmitchell@bmc.edu P.O. Box 160 Blue Mountain 38.610 (662) 685-4771 ext. 113 Yes https://bmc.edu/fine-arts @bmcfinearts
3 Jackson State University Theatre Department College & University Theatre Yolanda Williams yolanda.r.williams@jsums.edu 1400 JR Lynch Street Jackson 39.217 601-979-2872 Yes https://www.jsums.edu/speechcomm/ @JacksonStateUniversityTheatre @JSUTheatre
4 Jones College Musical Theatre College & University Theatre Jennifer Bruton jennifer.bruton@jcjc.edu 900 South Court Street Ellisville 39.437 6014772675 No @JonesCollegeMusicalTheatre
5 Southern Miss Theatre College & University Theatre David Coley david.coley@usm.edu 118 College Drive, TAD 201 Hattiesburg 39.406 601-266-4162 Yes usm.edu/spva https://www.facebook.com/southernmisstheatre @southernmisstheatre
6 Southern Opera and Musical Theatre Company College & University Theatre Dr. Mike Lopinto mike.lopinto@usm.edu 118 College Drive #5081 Hattiesburg 39.406 601.266.5620 No usm.edu/musicaltheatre @usmopera www.instagram.com/usm.omt/
7 Theatre & Film at the University of Mississippi College & University Theatre Michael Barnett theatre@olemiss.edu 100D Isom Hall University 38.655 6629155816 Yes http://theatreandfilm.olemiss.edu/ https://www.facebook.com/theatrefilmatum https://www.instagram.com/theatrefilmatum/
8 Laurel Little Theatre Community Theatre Wess Hughes LLTLaurelMS@aol.com 408 N. 5th Avenue Laurel 39.440 601-428.0140 No LaurelLittleTheatre.com @LaurelLittleTheatre @LaurelLittleTheatre
9 The Performing Arts Center Community Theatre Elizabeth Eldridge hillfire@att.net P.O. Box 644 Winona 38.967 662-283-3750 No mcarts.org @MCArtsCouncil @mcartscouncil38967
10 Natchez Little Theatre Community Theatre Stacy Carden natchezlittletheatre@gmail.com Natchez 39.120 601-442-2233 Yes https://natchezlittletheatre.org @natchezlittletheatreinc @natchezlittletheatre_
Organization Name Organization Type Contact Name Contact Email Street Address City Zipcode Phone MTA Member Website Social Media: Facebook Social Media: Instagram